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Samar Saeed

Samar Saeed


Samar Saeed is a Ph.D. candidate in the History Department at Georgetown University.

Growing repression of students leading Palestine solidarity in the US shows the little regard political elites have for freedom of speech, writes Samar Saeed.

26 September, 2024

From protesting racism and the Vietnam war to boycotting apartheid South Africa and Russia, sports have always been a platform for change, writes Samar Saeed.

20 March, 2024

Israel's 'scholasticide' is central to its colonial project, because education is at the heart of Palestinian resistance and liberation, writes Samar Saeed.

08 February, 2024

The shooting of Palestinian students Tahseen Ahmad, Hisham Awartani, & Kinnan Abdalhamid in the US is not an isolated attack. Growing dehumanisation of Palestinians since October 7 has led to a rise in anti-Arab racism & violence, writes Samar Saeed.

06 December, 2023

Western media coverage of Palestinians as violent terrorists has normalised their dehumanisation & legitimised Israel’s crimes against them - like the siege & genocide in Gaza. It refuses to view their struggle as anti-colonial, argues Samar Saeed.

16 October, 2023

Following the death of Khader Adnan, Samar Saeed argues that in a colonial carceral system that aims to crush the body, soul, and mind of Palestinians, political prisoners are central to the struggle for liberation.

17 May, 2023

The historic passing of BDS by The Middle East Studies Association should be celebrated for strengthening academic freedom and countering Israel’s implication of institutions within the oppression of Palestinians, writes Samar Saeed.

19 April, 2022

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) in the US will soon vote on whether it will answer the call for BDS. As the largest academic body of its kind, the outcome could set the tone for the institutions worldwide, writes Samar Saeed.

21 March, 2022